Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024
Imagination Technologies Group Limited and its group companies (together “Imagination”) are committed to the highest standards of professionalism, ethical behaviour and integrity in everything we do, including contributing to the wellbeing of communities around the world, especially where we operate. We remain committed to opposing modern slavery in all its forms and do not tolerate it either within our business itself or within our supply chain.
We are committed to continuous improvement of our processes to ensure we remain vigilant and mindful of engaging in activities to prevent human trafficking, slavery, servitude, and forced, compulsory, or involuntary labour in our operations and within our supply chain.
Our business
Imagination Technologies Group Limited is the UK headquartered parent company for the Imagination business. Our primary activity is the creation and licensing of market-leading compute, graphics and AI IP processor solutions found within our GPU and CPU product lines. Our licensees include many of the world’s leading semiconductor, network operator and electronics OEM/ODM companies. Further information about the Imagination business can be found on our website.
Our business structure
We consider the risk of modern slavery occurring within our business to be low. We predominantly employ highly skilled people, with the majority based in the UK and other large teams in India, Poland, Romania and China. We do have offices in other regions, including, but not limited to Taiwan, Japan, Korea and the US with remote home working employees based in other European locations and Australia. We have taken care to ensure that the same degree of care is exercised in all jurisdictions to guard against modern slavery.
We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and have a Code of Conduct which supports our actions. We are also committed to transparency in our business, in our approach to modern slavery, and to implementing and enforcing systems and controls designed to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our business or in any of our supply chains.
Our supply chains and due diligence processes
We source goods, materials and services from third party suppliers including IT equipment, marketing material, office supplies, couriers, waste, recycling, utilities, recruitment, professional and training services, and building services.
We will only source goods and services from reputable suppliers that we believe operate in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and where necessary we will take active steps to ensure compliance.
If we have concerns or suspicions of human rights or labour rights violations (including those relating to slavery and human trafficking) in our supply chain, we will require our suppliers to promptly clarify and remedy those concerns.
We comply with all applicable employment laws relating to employee terms, conditions and pay, and are committed to following our core values in connection with our people.
How we are seeking to reduce any risk
Given the highly specialized nature of our industry and our careful selection of reputable suppliers, we believe our supply chain has relatively low levels of slavery and human trafficking risk. However, we remain vigilant and continue to improve our compliance monitoring and verification, especially in selecting new suppliers. In 2024, we are planning to enhance our procurement activities which will give us greater assurance that all our suppliers are aligned with our commitment to stand against modern slavery. We will consider improvements to our due diligence process on all new customers during our KYC process, which will provide further reassurance on our prospective customers and help to reduce even further the risk of transacting with customers complicit in modern slavery.
In order to raise awareness and understanding of potential risks, we conduct mandatory annual Modern Slavery training for all employees, augmented by training across a number of other topics that support the initiatives taken by Imagination to combat slavery and human trafficking. These include Whistleblowing, Anti-Bribery, Corruption and Fraud, Competition Law and training on our Code of Conduct. We actively encourage and empower our employees to report any concerns or issues they identify during their dealings within Imagination and the supply chain which might give rise to concerns about modern slavery and/or human trafficking.
Where appropriate we will take further steps to combat slavery and human trafficking through refusing to deal with suppliers who do not demonstrate commitment to oppose modern slavery in all its forms and assessing the modern slavery risks in lower tiers of our supply chain.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Imagination’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.
Signed for and on behalf of Imagination by:

CEO, Imagination Technologies Group Limited